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Who and Where
Back in the late 80s or early 90s, when I was a student in the Master of Divinity program at the Iliff School of Theology across the street, I had…
What We’ll Know Tomorrow
I’m part of a couple of different groups that you might call “covenant groups,” or “spiritual conversation groups,” something like that. Whatever they’re called, these are small groups of people…
What Now? Week 4: Trust
Maybe it’s because we recently marked the 25th anniversary of the shootings at Columbine, but for whatever reason I found myself thinking this week about an article I saw a…
What Now? Week 3: Set Apart
When Jesus was crucified, the Apostles almost immediately went into hiding. It’s not hard to see why – they figured, with good reason, they were probably next to be arrested…
What Now? Week 2: Expanding the Circle
So today is the second Sunday of this sermon series I’m calling “What Now?”, taking a look at how the early church community responded to meeting the resurrected Christ. They…
What Now? Week 1: Knowing the Gift
It probably won’t shock you to hear that Christmas and Easter are the busiest times of year for church staff. Of course, Christmas is busy for everybody. It feels like…
Unsettling Times, Week 2: Refusing Rage 
Some of you might be familiar with a town called Redding, in northern California. It’s a small city of about 90,000 people. When I was in the area, which was…
Unsettled Times, Week 4: Rebuilding the Ruins 
About 12 years ago, I got to spend a couple of weeks in El Salvador. I’ve talked a little bit about this trip before in one of my sermons. It…